Getting There
There are many options for travelling to and from Thunder Bay, the two most feasible listed below. Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can assist you when booking travel.
We truly appreciate the time and effort you are making to attend our special day!
Flight Options
There's a number of airlines that fly from Toronto to Thunder Bay. We've flown all three of the following airlines listed here. Prices listed are approximate as of February 2024.
Flair: $350
Price includes carry-on & check-in luggage
Direct flight available but limited travel days (we recommend travelling Aug 14 or Aug 16, returning Aug 19)
*Be aware there is currently on-going company issues, although at this time operations have not been impacted
Porter: $600
Price includes carry-on luggage only
*Be aware when booking that some flights may include 1 stop-over in Ottawa and flights leave from both Billy Bishop and Pearson Airport
Air Canada: $600
Price includes carry-on luggage only
Direct flight available
Driving Options
If you have the time for a road trip and multiple rest stops, the drive through Northern Ontario is beautiful. We drove from Toronto to Thunder Bay over two days with a mid-way stay at a motel and loved the drive.
The two driving options within Canada are to either drive to Sudbury and then take Highway 17 along the Lake Superior shoreline (Map #1) or for the more northern, remote route, travel from Toronto to Timmins and then take Highway 11 (Map #1) which adds an additional hour.
There's also the possibility to travel through the States, where you travel through Michigan which adds an hour of driving, or a wider route that takes you through Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, around the western side of Lake Superior (Map #2), which adds about 3 hours.
Approx. Driving Time: 15+ hours
Approx. Cost: About 2-3 tanks of gas one way